The story of mrlangeveldphoto


With a passion for detail. Drawn to capture the travel vibes I experience. Seeing beauty in the little things. Always carrying my camera with me. Never miss an opportunity to create the next masterpiece.

With a passion for travel I’m living my new life now in Bali, Indonesia. Together with my love of the world, Ivette. Quit our jobs and sold our house in the Netherlands to start a new chapter. A location independent life.

MrLangeveldPhoto aan het werk met camera in de hand, kijkend in de lens

Started my photography almost 30 years ago. Bought my first SLR for my first trip to New York. When I showed the pictures back at home, everyone told me how beautiful the photos were. And honestly I didn’t really knew what I was doing with the settings. I guess it was my natural eye for composition that made the photos work. But my love for photography was definitely born and I was also infected with the travel bug.

My first years in photography I shot film, but the real fun began when I bought my first digital camera. Now it was possible to edit the photos to my own taste. Soon I started to edit in Adobe Lightroom. I really enjoy to create my own masterpieces.

My edits are true to real life, never over edited (to my taste) and contrasty colorful. I hope you can find and catch the travel vibe I put in the photos.

Jeroen, MrLangeveldPhoto